Saturday, July 9, 2011

Love is not Little

She loved a man who took long walks in the forest,
She wasn't pretty, and her beauty was apparent
Only to herself, and the little ones of the earth.
She sat by a stream and told the fish her problem,
That it made her love him more that he didn't know she existed.
That he was strong and sensitive and that nature loved him
The way she did, with all her heart and soul.
Nature can love too, and it picks the ones it loves
By revealing to them what the average person never sees
Because they are too busy pursuing money and fame amongst their fellows.
It's the silent ones that nature loves,
And he was so silent.
It was said that he was in love with a beautiful dark haired girl,
And that she had broken his heart in so many pieces
That even an ant pile could not carry away all the pieces.
Her heart broke too the longer time went on and he didn't see her.
Why do men always fall in love with girls so pretty they can't
Even handle it, they treat it like a power stick that they can
Beat men with for thinking that they are good enough to touch their
Beauty in secret places where love takes place.
Beautiful women can be raunchy that way.
To them it's all about sex and the power it imbues
To their ego, their flesh, their soft passion for more of it.
They found her drowned in a lake,
It was declared to be a suicide.
He finally saw her then for a moment,
And voted it a tragedy.

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