Thursday, August 4, 2011

Art and Writing.

I think it's important to produce art as a writer, even if you don't consider yourself an artist. I believe it frees up your spiritual heart, and makes room for new ideas to come in. You can even do little character sketches, and playing around with color is very liberating. Try it! You don't even have to share them with friends. Make a journal of your sketches and leave them to posterity if you like. Don't be too critical. It's just another technique to free your mind and your heart, which is what you need to be a good writer. Or at least that's what I think.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Returned the Publisher's Edit Today

I was given the corrected manuscript last week, and today I finished making minor changes to their edit, and sent it back to them. This means it goes to the department that designs the text format of the book. So it is going forward, which is fairly exciting, to say the least. Check back for more updates on The Story of Josephine.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Order My Books

You may order my first book The Girl, the Moon, and the Melon from and from

You can order my second book The Story of Josephine from this site: Click Here.

If you would like me to do a book signing for your group contact me a month ahead of time so I have time to order books: I would be happy to do book signings anywhere in New York city.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Love is not Little

She loved a man who took long walks in the forest,
She wasn't pretty, and her beauty was apparent
Only to herself, and the little ones of the earth.
She sat by a stream and told the fish her problem,
That it made her love him more that he didn't know she existed.
That he was strong and sensitive and that nature loved him
The way she did, with all her heart and soul.
Nature can love too, and it picks the ones it loves
By revealing to them what the average person never sees
Because they are too busy pursuing money and fame amongst their fellows.
It's the silent ones that nature loves,
And he was so silent.
It was said that he was in love with a beautiful dark haired girl,
And that she had broken his heart in so many pieces
That even an ant pile could not carry away all the pieces.
Her heart broke too the longer time went on and he didn't see her.
Why do men always fall in love with girls so pretty they can't
Even handle it, they treat it like a power stick that they can
Beat men with for thinking that they are good enough to touch their
Beauty in secret places where love takes place.
Beautiful women can be raunchy that way.
To them it's all about sex and the power it imbues
To their ego, their flesh, their soft passion for more of it.
They found her drowned in a lake,
It was declared to be a suicide.
He finally saw her then for a moment,
And voted it a tragedy.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Pyre of Persecution

Rhian was a witch who lived at the edge of the forest. Her mother had taught her how to steal a person's will, and how to curse a person with bees. Her mother had been an evil old witch, but Rhian decided from an early age to go her own way when it came to magic. She knew how to make a hundred butterflies land on her arm and face. Their little feet made her giggle like a little girl. The town's people chose her to burn at the steak, because she was pretty, and too many old nags saw their husbands looking at her when she walked through town on the way to the grocer. She made love potions for ugly girls, who paid her in secret, but never enough. She knew how to put a curse on people, but all she said before they lit the pyre on fire was: "I've never looked back, ask any of them. You know what I'm talking about."

The Young Man

Her empty eyes reflected back the emptiness she felt inside. Why did people have to die just when you were really starting to love them. Everything is so impermanant. Whose shoulder would she put her head on now when she felt inconsolable? God didn't play fair. Who told Him that we wanted to grow through things like this? It didn't make any sense. Why? This man had had so much potential, and now he was gone. The universe sighed. When would they get it, Karma is real.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Love for Sade...

I first fell in love in 1992 when I bought my first Sade cassette, remember those? I bought Love Deluxe. I felt like she was singing to me. Maybe that's my mental illness, but I felt an instant connection to this sultry Diva. I used to work scanning documents for Texaco and I used to listen to that cassette all during my shift, until I wore it out, literally. I saw her in concert a few weeks ago. I was so charged with emotion. It was over too soon. I wanted to go to another concert but there wasn't one. She is such a sweetie, but she is more mature now, she's 51, although she only looks 31. As I have stateed my books starting with The Girl, the Moon, and the Melon are about a mythical life with the soul of Sade and my Soul. Hey if you're going to play God as a writer why not be one, or goddess in this case. I hope someday I get to meet her. I doubt I'll impress her, but it would be nice.

My First Short, Short...

The Girl Next Door

There was a girl that knew that Death lived just around the corner. She never went that way on her way to work or to the market, even though it was shorter that way. When Death came for her he knocked politely on the door, but she wasn't there. She had given Death the slip. Bet you wish you knew her secret.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I think writing should come from the heart more than it comes from the head. If everything becomes a crossed t or dotted i than the poetry is lost, yet I think it is important to edit afterward. Good writing is like surfing, you try to take on the biggest wave of feeling and ride it to a pretty end. If you learn to surf the need to use a pick and sword for slash and pick it apart techniques becomes almost obsolete. I think Shakespeare knew how to surf, and Mozart along other lines. I love to write to music. The right music intensifies the wave. Happy surfing. : )

My Religious Philosophy....

I believe in a Catholic Christ, but I disagree with the church on what that represents. I believe in reincarnation, and even believe that this life is a lesson in what it is to have a penis, something I wanted in my last life as a very feminine woman. She lived in a time when men had all the power, and she wanted some a that, as much good as it's done me. I've always been treated like a woman, and not in the good sense.

I believe that the majority of my past lives have been as a woman, but my male lives are always as a writer/poet/artist/musician/inventor.

I love Christ, but I believe that Krishna was a previous incarnation of his as the Christ principle, just as the Ancient of Days is and was also Sanat Kumara. The church has it right, the God principle is shown in paintings as the Ancient of Days, and sitting next to him is Jesus the Christ, and next to him is the Queen Mother, Mary.

So comes Mother Mary, the Mother principle in heaven and on earth. A true goddess, who gave birth to Christ and Buddha. I could go into it more, but this is a good overview.

The Inspiration for The Girl, the Moon, and the Melon...

I guess I wish that I was a lesbian. I like women, but not as a man. Well, I guess I could, but I wish I was a woman, I choose to be a woman. The only thing, I'm afraid of the knife, plus I don't have the money. So who is Amy based on, Henrietta's lover in this book? Who else but Sade. I know, she's not a Lesbian. Hey, it could happen, under different circumstances. Now that the cat is out of the bag, please tread lightly on my feelings. Thank you.


Work on Book Three...

Book Three Living at the Ritz is starting out well and is set in the year 2072. There are flying saucers by that time, and many new buildings including the tallest building in the world. Baby Christopher is Henrietta's and Amy's new edition to their family. In fact Chapter Two is titled: We're a Family It's fun inventing new forms of entertainment like Halogram imagers, Low Frequency Resonance Hi-Fi sets that create the ultimate surround sound experience without pissing off your neighbors. It's going to be a fun book to write, I can feel it already.

I Need Help With Sales...

I need to sell 100 books before they will publish my second novel. I guess because the economy is so bad they are doing what's called joint venture, where I have to sell the first 100 books before they will publish the book. Any help will be very appreciated. Thank you.

Here is the link: The Story of Josephine


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Friday, May 27, 2011

What are people saying about the book?

I can't speak for everybody, but most of the people I know really like "The Girl, the Moon, and the Melon." A few had questions about this part or that part, but even they liked it on the whole. Just last night someone told me they were a fan and that they couldn't wait for the second book to come out. I truly believe that the longer it is out the more people will want to read it, especially lesbian and transgender people, but I also think there is something in it for everybody.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Story of Josephine (synopsis)

Book Synopsis:

This exciting Novella starts out in Rio and soon returns to New York and the cemetery of forgotten stories. Our heroines Henrietta and Amy from my first book “The Girl, the Moon, and the Melon” get married in Rio. Their life is blissful for several months until Amy finds out the Henrietta is pregnant. She accuses Henrietta of sleeping with the devil, but this is untrue, and it takes an angel to convince her. They return to New York after they learn to shape-shift. Then they go to Central Park and to the cemetery of forgotten stories about Henrietta. There they meet the Traveler, who was sent by Mrs. Walsh to guide them to a safe myth for Henrietta to have her baby in. The only problem is that Henrietta chooses perhaps the saddest and most forgotten story of all: The Story of Josephine.